Finger like fresh turmeric has a vibrant orange coloured flesh with a warm and peppery flavour and distinct bitter undertones.


Every cashew in this pack is organically grown, it is free from any preservatives and packed in to give you and your family a healthy snack.

Red Chilli

Red Chilli is well known for its flavour and aroma. Finest grade Chillies are carefully handpicked, dried and packed in a very hygienic condition to ensure superior quality. These chillies are renowned all over the world for its pungency and colour. A moderate amount of Mirch can bring out the best flavour in your dish. Although these chillies has a unique sharpness and taste.


These cinnamons have a sweet and penetrating flavor. These are purely cultivated and come filled with freshness, fitness and a delicious aroma. It is free from synthetic chemicals and pesticides.